Jun 07

2nd Birthday & Oyster Slurping Competition
Posted by Fanny Bay Oysters
Fanny Bay Oyster Bar is turning 2yrs old on June 24th! Join us for food, drinks, and fun all day long! We will be serving $2 featured oysters on the raw bar and $10 fried oysters all day, 3-6pm happy hour, and at 8pm will be have the ULTIMATE slurp off with our 2nd Annual Oyster Slurping Competition. Watch oyster eaters go head to head for a 1 minute eating challenge!
Check out our Facebook Event!
Interested in joining the Slurp?
-15 open spots
-$20 entry fee
-Registration opens June 11th at 10am
-Click Here to download the Applicant Form for the competition. The first 15 people to submit the form to MalindiT@taylorshellfish.com will be entered into the competition.
-Winning prize includes over $200 in gift cards and goodies!
Email oysterbar@fannybayoysters.com for more information