Jun 20

June 23rd - FBOB 1st Birthday & Oyster Slurping Competition
Posted by Fanny Bay Oysters
Fanny Bay Oyster Bar & Shellfish Market is turning 1yr old on June 23rd! To celebrate we will be serving $1 Fanny Bay Oysters and $12 Clams & Fritz all day, as well as we are hosting our First Annual Oyster Slurping Competition! Competators will have 1min to slurp up as many Fanny Bay Oysters as possible. The person with the highest shell count will recieve a Fanny Bay gift pack including a $25 gift card, t-shirt, smoked oysters, shucking knife, and a lifetime of glory!
Oyster Slurping Entry Fee: $15
Competators must arrive by 7pm to enter - slurping will commence at 7:15!
Reserve your spot in the competition by calling 778.379.9510 or emailing us at oysterbar@fannybayoysters.com
"Join us for a fun filled day as we thank the community that has been so welcoming to us over the last year!" - Manager, Matteo Tehan